Help and advice with Woodworm infestation

Woodworm adult beetles only last a few weeks and remain in their larval stage for some years causing damage to timber. As you can see, they are quite small when shown against a one-pence coin. They are not normally seen – just white dust or wood boring holes caused by the larvae on the surface of wood
Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control carry out inspections of properties for suspected woodworm infestation. Identification can be confirmed at the point of survey and a written report can be submitted. Often, a building surveyor’s report will highlight probable woodworm damage or infestation usually right at the point of sale of a house.
Find out how we can provide help to find a solution to safeguard your property in Norfolk.
About Woodworm
Woodworm, or common furniture beetle, (Anobium punctatum), has a long five year life cycle. The cycle starts with the adult furniture beetle. Holes in wood are made from within so that it can exit the wood and intercept a female close by. That’s why you can see wood dust, just like mole hills where the insect has burrowed out and not in. Old woodworm holes are apparent and if caught at the right time of year fresh white dust can be seen dripping down roof rafters or joists in the loft.
The adult female then lays eggs into the older holes or directly on the wood surface. Upon hatching, the larvae bore back into the wood.
Surprising fact
The beetles only last a few weeks so they remain in their larval stage for some years. Adults only exist to mate to continue the population.
Woodworm prefer damper conditions to thrive, so loft spaces, old garages and furniture in older homes is more susceptible to attack by woodworm. Under-floor areas of the home should not be ignored.
What do I need to do next?
You can call us for advice to see what to do next. Don’t worry too much at this stage as woodworm creep along slowly so more damage will not be noticeable today. Call us on 01603 905530. We take calls every day of the week from 7.00 am – 9.00 pm.
- Woodworm adult beetles only last a few weeks and remain in their larval stage for some years causing damage to timber
Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control carry out inspections of properties for suspected woodworm infestation. Identification can be confirmed at the point of survey and a written report can be submitted. Often, a building surveyor’s report will highlight probable woodworm damage or infestation usually right at the point of sale of a house.
We can react quickly and if necessary provide recommendations to provide adequate control.
About Woodworm
Woodworm, or common furniture beetle, (Anobium punctatum), has a long five year life cycle. The cycle starts with the adult furniture beetle. Holes in wood are made from within so that it can exit the wood and intercept a female close by. That’s why you can see wood dust, just like mole hills where the insect has burrowed out and not in. Old woodworm holes are apparent and if caught at the right time of year fresh white dust can be seen dripping down roof rafters or joists in the loft.
The adult female then lays eggs into the older holes or directly on the wood surface. Upon hatching, the larvae bore back into the wood.
Surprising fact
The beetles only last a few weeks so they remain in their larval stage for some years. Adults only exist to mate to continue the population.
Woodworm prefer damper conditions to thrive, so loft spaces, old garages and furniture in older homes is more susceptible to attack by woodworm. Under-floor areas of the home should not be ignored.
What do I need to do next?
You can call us for advice to see what to do next. Don’t worry too much at this stage as woodworm creep along slowly so more damage will not be noticeable today.