Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control Categories
- Ant Removal
- Bed Bug Removal
- Booklice
- Carpet Beetle
- Clothes Moth Removal
- Cluster Fly Removal
- Cockroaches
- Commercial Pest Control
- Domestic Pest Control
- Flea Removal
- Hornet Nest Removal
- House Sanitisation & Fumigation
- Letting Agent Service
- Mole Control
- Mouse Control & Removal
- Pest Control
- Pigeon Control
- Rat Control & Removal
- Wasp Nest Removal
- Woodworm
- Yellow Swarming Flies
FLEAS DRIVING YOU BONKERS ??? In 2016 we had 100% treatment success rate. That's why at Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control we guarantee all work to control flea infestations-
Now fleas are active all year round! It's commonly thought that only 5% of a flea population in your home are adult fleas.The remainder are in their pre-adult devolopment stage of either eggs, larvae or pupae. Treating your pet is only half of flea removal programme. Without having your home treated by a flea control specialist, they will continue to infest your home and hence reinfest your poor old moggy. The cycle will repeat itself. Contrary to popular belief, most fleas do not live on your pet but in your carpets and skirting boards. Never 'get rid' of your pet due to fleas, as some people tell us they have done. Ultimately the fleas will turn on you! Fleas love a warm home and this winter has seen a high mean temperature outside across Norfolk. The result has been fleas are active right through winter. If you need more advice please call for a chat!-
Effective Pest Removal
Only a trained and licensed pest control company has access to the most effective poisons and control methods on the market. If you need a pest control service in Norfolk or need advice you can call us any time from 7 am to 9 pm. We'll answer your call straight away - but please leave a message in case the phone line is busy. We'll call you straight back to discuss your pest concerns. We cover all of Norfolk.
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Excellent response
★★★★★“ Excellent response and service from Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control”- steveGreat service
★★★★★“ Great service, fast response to my initial enquiry and next day removal of the wasp nest, very efficient and friendly service, thanks, Steve G.”- Mr GibbonsProblem Solved
★★★★★“ I had a call back in less than 5 minutes & my problem has hopefully been solved. I will be using this service again, if the need arises.”- Gordon FallonOutstanding Service & Huge Knowledge
★★★★★“ Richard Pummell at Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control has provided an outstanding service for me at my property, both in common areas and privately. Richard has been beyond helpful with a rodent infestation. He has provided me with countless tips and tricks, taken calls from me when he didn't need to, and clearly has a huge knowledge of this subject. He goes above and beyond to help, and is always polite and charming to speak to. Cannot rate highly enough, thank you! - Simon Epstein”- Simon EpsteinOutstanding!!!
★★★★★“ I cannot speak highly enough of Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control. Their advice and overall service is a credit to their industry. Would certainly recommend them. Thank you, Mary.”- Mary TweedySummer Opening Hours
We are open from Monday to Saturday 7.30 am - 7.00 pm-
Norfolk News Items
Norfolk & Norwich Pest Control Services
- We cover all types of pest Control
- All work fully insured
- All technicians are fully trained to industry standards
- No call-out charges
- We try and beat any realistic quote
- No work will ever be undertaken without prior agreement with the customer